Summer Membership/Anniversary Sale!

It's time for our annual summer membership/anniversary sale! We can't believe it's already been 4 years providing the tri-state the BEST in float therapy. From the best tanks, to absolutely one of the best spaces in Evansville, we're so proud that everyone continues to seek us out.

And if you think our previous sales were good, you're gonna love this one!

Single float memberships for only $40, two floats for $65, three floats for $95, or four float memberships for only $120! This special won't last long, so hop on over to our website for all the details and to sign up.


January Float Challenge!

January Float Challenge! New year, new you, amirite? Make your mental and physical health a priority this year!

One thing we've always maintained is that you need to float at least 3 times in a short time frame in order to really get the full idea of how floating can benefit you. So, we're going to try and make that happen as easily as possible.

For the month of January, you can get 4 floats for only $100! Float challenge details: Once you use your first float, you will then have 30 days to use the remaining three. While we recommend using one float per week, it is totally up to you on how you schedule them. And because we want you to use them, this offer is not shareable with guests. We hope to see you all soon! πŸŒŠπŸ•‰οΈπŸ§˜β€β™‚οΈπŸŒŒ